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Primary check when applying for a job

The success of any company depends on the professionalism of its staff. Therefore, checking candidates for employees when hiring is a prerequisite for every self-respecti ng organization. To achieve harmonious and productive work of the team, it is necessary to carefully select each of its links. A standard interview is not enough. In order to b e sure of the reliability and competence of the future employee, employers are increasin gly resorting to the services of third-party agencies that can collect and provide detaile d information about the candidate for the vacant position.

The joint Detective Bureau offers its clients an initial check of employees when hiring. Our experts will promptly collect and provide full information ab out the person you are interested in as soon as possible.

Welcome the new employee on the job: what to consider?

Any person applying for a vacant position, seeks to show their best side. And this is natural. But how reliable is the information he provides? This is a question, the answer to which will help to find the specialists of the joint Detective Bureau.

What should you pay attention to?

First, it is necessary to check the documents and criminal record when hiring staff. Practice shows that potential employees can easily turn out not to be who they pretend to be. In the course are all means, including forgery. But «by eye» to determine the authenticity of the passport, diploma of education, work record is almost impossible. Therefore, verification should be carried out using independent sources competent in this area.

Employees of the joint Detective Bureau offer a comprehensive check of candidates for the vacant position. At the request of customers, we perform:

- authentication of documents and recommendations;

- establishment of previous jobs and reasons for dismissal;

- collection of information about the lifestyle and moral qualities of the candidate;

- checking with competing firms.

Also, if necessary and with the consent of both parties (employee and employer), we offer polygraph services. Checking the employee on a polygraph when hiring has long been practiced in large companies. This is one of the most convenient and fast ways to identify the authenticity of the information that a potential employee provides about himself.

The joint Detective Bureau guarantees the quality of its work at all levels of verification. Our expe rts will help to protect your company from non-professionals and related losses.